Yesterday began with the subpoena of Bitfinex and Tether. This was big world news that shook a lot of investors with weak hands. The bulls pushed back. Unfortunately for those anticipating a rise in value, this major story was accompanied by another: Facebook threw a blanket ban over all ICOs and cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. This […]
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Ethereum Trading Report – 1-31-2018
Using Leeroy
Did you know that you can interact with the Ethereum Blockchain directly from a website? It’s true. All you need is Google Chrome and the MetaMask plugin. Once I got mine up and running, the first thing I did was what any sound-minded fan of the free press in-the-know would do: I went to […]
Using the Ethereum Network to Secure Tangible Assets
Ethereum is so much more than a crypto-currency. It’s a platform for the next generation of apps that will make use of public, trustless data and digital assets. Crypto currency is just the first app that runs on the Network. The amount of apps and programs that will make use of the Ethereum Network is […]